Fermentstart g2 – is a uniquely modified complex of beneficial special symbiotic microorganisms (lactic acid bacteria, bifidobacteria, mesophilic bacteria, yeast) intended for accelerated fermentation of various organic wastes and fast preparation of high-quality organic compost/fertilizer for all types of soil. The drug is also modified to destroy unpleasant odors inside livestock farms and drain holes.
Fermentstart g2 is a microbiological preparation suitable for accelerating the biological decomposition of stubble residues (stubble, stems, etc.) in the crop production of field and other kinds of crops. Fermentstart g2, in cooperation with soil bacteria, helps to turn cellulose-rich plant residues into a valuable nutrient environment with a high content of humus for short-term purposes. Nutrient components contained in humus (soil phosphorus, potassium, microelements) create a reserve for the development of plants in the next season which ensures the necessary intake of nutrients, even with reduced application of traditional fertilizers. Long-term use of the drug loosens the dense soil, improves its air and water exchange and facilitates its processing.
pH=6.5 ±0.5 CFU/1ml min.: 1×109